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The resources listed are those regularly used by schools implementing and embedding Restorative Practices.  They are rated highly by teachers and restorative consultants worldwide. 


We recognize that classroom circles have gained popularity and there are a plethora of circle resources available.  In consideration of the fact that schools generally work within tight budgets, we have compiled a list of  ‘go to’ resources.


The resources listed are those regularly used by schools implementing and embedding Restorative Practices.  They are rated highly by teachers and restorative consultants worldwide.  They, can be purchased online at:



School Resources


There is an almost overwhelming choice of books and manuals about Restorative Practices (Justice).  Resources assist Schools in the implementation as well as the practical application of Restorative Justice (Practice) in classrooms and playgrounds.  This can be a daunting task given the extensive choice on offer.  Below is a list of practitioner critiqued resources we can recommend.

Restorative Practices in Classrooms: Rethinking Behaviour Management

by Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad

This resource manual is especially suited to classroom teachers.  It is very explicit in how to prepare and conduct restorative chats and problem solving circles.

Restorative Practices in Schools:  Rethinking Behaviour Management

by Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad

This resource manual is great for leadership/administration as it looks at the bigger picture around implementation.

Restorative Practice and Special Needs 

by Nick Burnett and Margaret Thorsborne

This book is practically one of a kind in the restorative world and is a must purchase for all schools.  The book explains a number of special needs in an easy to understand way.  The authors kindly provide flow charts outlining challenges students with each special need might face during restorative processes and then gives examples of how to combat those challenges.  This material is well researched and has been shown to be successful for students with special needs.

A Practical Introduction to Restorative Practice in Schools: theory, skills and guidance 

by Bill Hansberry

This book is a comprehensive guide for schools implementing restorative approaches.  Bill examines the continuum of approaches and provides realistic case studies to explore how and when the continuum is applied.  A must purchase for schools.

Punished by Rewards:  the trouble with gold stars, incentive plans, A’s, praise, and other bribes 

by Alfie Kohn

In this groundbreaking book, Alfie presents a compelling case against the use of punishment and rewards based on years of empirical evidence.  Furthermore, he suggests what schools (and parents) can do instead!

Working Restoratively in Schools by Bill Hansberry

Restoring Safe School Communities:  a whole school response to bullying, violence and alienation

by Brenda Morrison


Building and Restoring Respectful Relationships in Schools:  A Guide to Using Restorative Practice

by Richard Hendry


Restorative Justice Pocketbook 

by Margaret Thorsborne and David Vinegrad


Just Schools: A Whole School Approach to Restorative Justice 

by Belinda Hopkins


Little Book of Restorative Justice 

by Howard Zehr

The Psychology of Emotion in Restorative Practice 

Edited by C.Kelly, Jr. and Margaret Thorsborne

If you are wanting to know more about WHY restorative practices work from a theoretical perspective and really add some depth to your knowledge in this area then this book is for you.  The work of Silvan Tompkins and those following in his footsteps on Affect Script Psychology (ASP) is a must read for all restorative practitioners and schools leaders alike.

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